Managing your workspace
Managing domains

Managing Domains

Domains give you a clear overview of areas of responsibility and ownership within your schema, by mapping out which domains are stakeholders of each event (including event variants) in your tracking plan and which users belong to those domains.

Defining domains in Avo is a key step toward more organized, scalable data management, especially in larger workspaces with multiple teams. It enables your entire organization to operate within a single namespace, sharing data structures and working towards more consolidated tracking, while ensuring that the entities of your organization can operate comfortably without stepping on each-others’ toes.

What is a domain?

A domain refers to a certain function or area within your organization. It could be a product area (Search, Checkout, etc), an entire app for specific personas (Drivers, Riders, etc) or a business function independent of the product (Marketing, Sales, Finance, etc.).

Domains have different data needs and they need to be able to influence what data they get access to. But they have different access to the ability to generate the data they need. For instance: the finance team will need the product team to generate events related to the user experience so they can measure retention to predict financial outcomes.

Schematics of tracking plan in Avo broken down into a few example domains

By documenting domains as stakeholders on the events in your tracking plan, anyone is able to understand who is relying on which events and who to loop in when changes are made or if an issue comes up.

Viewing and managing Domains

To see and manage your domains in Avo, navigate to your workspace settings and click to the tab labeled “Domains”. From there you can navigate to a view for each domain in your workspace

Domain settings

In the view for each domain you will see:

  1. The domain team: The users in your workspace that have been assigned to the domain. One workspace member can be a part of one or multiple domain teams.

  2. The domain events: The events where this domain has been added as a stakeholder, indicating that the domain depends on and/or is responsible for those events.

Within Avo, this means that

  • The domain is visible as a stakeholder in the events table and events details view in the tracking plan.
  • When users are suggesting changes to events where the domain is a stakeholder, this will be surfaced in the branch header.

Creating a Domain

To create a new domain, click on Create Domain and give it a name.

Screenshot of the domains section in the workspace settings modal where you can create a new domain

Adding domain members

Under the “Team” section, click “Manage” which will open a modal where you can search for members in your workspace and add them to the domain.

Assigning stakeholdership of events and event variants

From this view you can assign stakeholdership of multiple events and event variants in your tracking plan to the domain

  1. Click “+ Add”
  2. Select the events and variants from your tracking plan where you assign the domain as a stakeholder. You can filter events by category or tag to make it easier to find relevant events.
  3. Click “Add” to finish adding the selected items to your domain

Screenshot of a modal to add events to a domain

You can also add the domain as a stakeholder directly from your tracking plan.

Who can create and manage domains?

Creating domains: Workspace admins are able to create a new domain and add its first member(s).

Managing domains: Once set up, members of the domain can add new members and mark the domain as a stakeholder on events in the tracking plan. Workspace admins can also manage all domains in the workspace.